For most of the time I'm a theorist. That is, instead of doing observations myself, I use pencil, paper, and computers to come up with theoretical models that explain real observations. These models help us infer the underlying physics of the Universe, and help observers find the data that are the most critical to understand our Universe.

Image Credit: Illustris Collaboration
Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs)
Supermassive black holes are black holes that are above 10^5 solar masses and typically live in galaxy centers. They have the ability to accrete matters and produce enormous energy, and exert feedbacks to their host galaxies. Thus, understanding how SMBHs grow over time is one of the key components in the study of galaxy formation and evolution.
2018 - 2024
University of Arizona
Ph.D., Astronomy & Astrophysics
Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Galaxies are the building blocks of the Universe. Across cosmic time, galaxies evolve in terms of mass, shape, growth rate, color, metallicity, etc.. Understanding how different early vs. late galaxies are in these aspects would help us depict a more complete picture of the evolving Universe.
2014 - 2018
Peking University
B.Sc., Astrophysics